Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Night Song

I had asked a friend to help me name my blog site, and at the time she said she would think on it. This morning she was sitting outside reading and she came across Psalms 42:8 "By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me-a prayer to the God of my Life." She thought there ya go Night Song. I am a night out and I love music so that hits it all. Yes at night is when I do watch some tv, but I also love to write my prayers, and thoughts. The Lord tends to meet me there in my living room when the world is asleep. I love that moment, for it seems so sweet and very very quiet. She said the night could aso stand for the hard times I've been through, and yet there's still a song in my heart through it all.
I love it, but as you can see I had already made one up. So, while night song sounds so good, I guess for the fact I love easy, I will not go against the grain and leave as it is. Unless I see that it is not so hard. I also dont mind what I have. So thanks Bethany your wonderful for thinking of me during your quiet time on the porch..
When I think of music it is so hard to share what I feel inside. But I must say there are times I just want quiet. Nothing, no noise at all. But when that music starts man what a feeling. I wrote a couple of years ago (Nov. 2005) something on music for my church and I will share it within the next few days. It is alittle long, but I think you might like it. And what is so funny I feel I am writing in the air for there is no one yet to visit my blog. But that is okay. There is healing in writing. I love to do that. Whether it makes sense or not it is a good thing. So Praise The Lord!!
"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of the God" ICorinthians 10:31.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Connie,
    Thanks for inviting me to follow your blog. I love keeping up with you and your family. We are getting settled in San Antonio and try to be at Port Alto as much as we can. Can you post audio on your blog? I would love to hear one of your songs. Have a great day!
    Love ya,
