Thursday, August 27, 2009

Peace In The Clouds

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 6:63
It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
Hebrews 12:2
looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right of the throne of God.
I love what Jesus says in John 6:63, that the flesh is no help at all. When we give into the desires of the flesh we lose sight of the Lord. For the Lord is spirit. The flesh tends to get in the way. So start looking unto Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith. He will give you peace not just any peace but HIS peace. That is the difference. The world offers so many things to try and promote peace or solitude, but there is nothing like His peace. So stay focused and looked unto Him for He is even in the clouds that you may be going through, which in Nahum 1:3 it says The clouds are the dust of His feet... That is a sign that the Lord is there through your sorrow, suffering, or many different circumstances in our personal lives. And in those clouds He is teaching us faith. (My Upmost For His Highest) God is not trying to always teach us something in the clouds, He may want us to unlearn something. I like this: His purpose in using the cloud is to simplify our beliefs until our relationship with Him is exactly like that of a child- a relationship simply between God and our soul.
So when you see the clouds coming just know that is the dust from His feet and he is right there in the middle, allow Him to teach you to have that child like faith and have a true relationship with Him completely between Him and your soul. Move the flesh out of the way and trust Him for His peace is there for you.
Praise Him and glorify Him for He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and His mercy endures forever. Amen!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Well Hello There

Well hello there my its been a long long time...
It has been awhile since I wrote anything. A friend of mine Bethany, was sharing some great insights about the Lord and said she was going to blog. I thought hmm I need to do that. So here we go.....
How funny I am sitting here looking at my nails wondering what do I say. Actually there are very few that read it but it feels so good sometimes to just write. So now I am wondering what.
The other night I sat on my love seat talking to the Lord, and first I was watching Kenneth Copeland, and he quoted a scripture that I had to look up and man I love it, it made me think for sure. John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come..... I tell you what for some reason I perked up, and just began to pray. Lord open my ears so that I may hear what the spirit has to tell me. I don't want to miss a thing. Its like wanting to know the mysteries of the Lord. He will share them with you but if you are not in tune with Him you will miss it all. Don't get me wrong He has a way of getting your attention, but sometimes I think He will allow you to go on your marry way till you find that things don't feel right in your life and bam it hits you, you know I have not visited with my heavenly Father in awhile. Don't get me wrong I talk to Him every day but sometimes do I sit and really talk to Him. Like the words of a wonderful song that says, "I miss my time with you those moments together, I need to be with you each day and it hurts me when you say your to busy, busy trying to serve Me, but how can you serve me when your spirits empty theres alonging in my heart wanting more than just a part of you its true I miss my time with you...." hmm what a powerful song. You know before my dad passed away he said you will regret not visiting with me more when I am gone. And he passed away he was right, but we have a way of living life and forgetting what is most important. Life gets in the way. You get busy doing this or doing that and you don't call a loved one and then one day they are gone and you wish that you could call them, and it is the same way with my mom. I talked with them every day but one more time is what I wish I could do so bad, but they are with my heavenly Father rejoicing. So knowing that it can happen with your family on this earth, it also happens with your Father, Jesus Christ. But I tell you He will always be there waiting on you to say Lord I am so sorry I have not been here, and then take a deep breath and just lay in His presence and oooohhhh how wonderful a place that is. I sat on my love seat and I began to pray about some decisions I made really without talking to Him first and ask Him what to do now, when if I would have talk to Him first I would not be in a place of uncertainty. Then I just began to love on Him just praising Him. I tell you what there is absolutely NO peace that even compares to that peace. I began to cry. Not in a sad way but just knowing right at that moment that is where I was suppose to be. He is so wonderful, and so merciful, full of great compassion, and grace. As I began to just to praise and love on Him I knew I knew I knew..... You know we have a life here on this earth but it is a life that is to be lived with Him. We are only passing through this land it is not our home. Oh Jesus I pray open my ears so that I might hear what the spirit is telling me. I do make so many mistakes, my flesh is weak at times but my spirit is so willing. That night on the love seat was a wonderful place and it opened my eyes to some things that really only I would understand for it is something I needed, perfect timing, His time is perfect. There is so much more to it but what I want to leave you is don't let time slip away from you. Love on the Lord everyday, talk to Him, read His word. Praise Him for who He is.. Then I tell you the truth everything else will seem to fall in place. I am not saying that in this world you want have troubles for that is not promised, but what is promised is He will be there to carry you and help you through them. So always put Him first. He is the song in my heart and the music in my ears I praise Him with all I am, for He is my Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
If you don't know him you can for He is no respecter of persons, He has a place just waiting for you, all you must do is believe that He sent His son Jesus to shed His blood so that you might have life. In Him you will find forgiveness of sin, no more quilt or shame. He paid the price. Just say yes Lord I believe, my heart is open come on in. Praise the Lord He is the Great I Am...