Yes my little Sophie, well is sick. For those of you who don't know her, she is my 6 1/2 year old schnauzer. She is my little baby. Well last week she was acting funny. She would not jump up on her favorite spot, which in on the ottoman. I went to pick her up because she would not walk, and oh my goodness.... She let out a scream, if a dog could scream. (don't tell her I called her a dog) So the next day I have to take her to a strange vet for hers in out of town. Well $$$ later we find out it is an infection in her gums, which can show up in other parts of her body. She has been on antibiotics since Friday and today she is running around like crazy. So Friday I take her to her vet and he is going to work on her teeth. I am sure that will be another $$$. My husband is so put out. He said that is the most expensive dog he has ever dealt with. haha.
I am trying to figure out if there is anything I can learn from this, maybe even something spiritual, And you know what I have learned. Don't buy a schnauzer. They are alot of work. Between now dental work, shots, and grooming bills... I know when you have children they are expensive as well and I am not saying anything about that, because you want your children to have everything you didn't and more. But at some point they move out. Sophie however is here for the long haul! You know I am kidding about don't buy a schnauzer because in all reality I love my Sophie. It has just been a trying weekend. She is better and I am so thankful there was no broken bones.
It is time I guess to buy a tooth brush for her. That should go well. What I will leave you from this experience is brush your dogs teeth. That is one thing I did not do and $$$ later I wish I had. Let me know how it goes if you do it, We will see how it goes on this end. I will let you know. Have a great day! Buh Bye Now....