Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Little Sophie

Yes my little Sophie, well is sick. For those of you who don't know her, she is my 6 1/2 year old schnauzer. She is my little baby. Well last week she was acting funny. She would not jump up on her favorite spot, which in on the ottoman. I went to pick her up because she would not walk, and oh my goodness.... She let out a scream, if a dog could scream. (don't tell her I called her a dog) So the next day I have to take her to a strange vet for hers in out of town. Well $$$ later we find out it is an infection in her gums, which can show up in other parts of her body. She has been on antibiotics since Friday and today she is running around like crazy. So Friday I take her to her vet and he is going to work on her teeth. I am sure that will be another $$$. My husband is so put out. He said that is the most expensive dog he has ever dealt with. haha.
I am trying to figure out if there is anything I can learn from this, maybe even something spiritual, And you know what I have learned. Don't buy a schnauzer. They are alot of work. Between now dental work, shots, and grooming bills... I know when you have children they are expensive as well and I am not saying anything about that, because you want your children to have everything you didn't and more. But at some point they move out. Sophie however is here for the long haul! You know I am kidding about don't buy a schnauzer because in all reality I love my Sophie. It has just been a trying weekend. She is better and I am so thankful there was no broken bones.
It is time I guess to buy a tooth brush for her. That should go well. What I will leave you from this experience is brush your dogs teeth. That is one thing I did not do and $$$ later I wish I had. Let me know how it goes if you do it, We will see how it goes on this end. I will let you know. Have a great day! Buh Bye Now....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Story There!!

Earlier today I was working on some of my music, I was singing Alabaster Box. It is such a good song. When I sang it, it was hard for me to do it without crying. Not in a sad way. As I sang thoughts of my life would go through my mind. Stories of my past fluttered in as I would sing. You know everyone in this big beautiful world has a past full of stories. Some good, and maybe some not so good. I love to hear others stories, good and bad. Because in those there is always God in there or should I say could have been, maybe we have done things without Him in our lives, or should have asked Him first before we jump off into something. But to look back and then share with others, you never know who you can touch. So don't be affraid to share.
If you dont mind I want to share the chorus of this song:
I've come to pour my praise on Him like oil, from Mary's alabaster box. Don't be angry if I wash His feet with my tears and dry them with my hair. You weren't there the night He found me. You did not feel what I felt, when He wrapped His love all around me. And you don't know the cost of the oil in my Alabaster Box......
I have not forgotten the way my live used to be,a prisoner to my sin and I poured my life without measure into a little treasure box I thought I found. But then Jesus found me. He healed my soul with the wonder of His touch. He is so worthy of all my praise. I have been forgiven. I love Him so much.
Can you say that. Sit and think what has He done for you, or how has He changed your life. Everyone has a past, think how He has changed your life, what He brought you through. You may have never taken a drink, you may have never done drugs, but there has probably been something you did that would put itself before Christ. If you can't think then it is time to open your alabaster box and wash His feet with your tears and dry them with your hair. Let Him do a work in you. Offer up to Him praises that His is so worthy of. Let this be your beginning in knowing who Jesus is. Just ask Him in your life and you will be forgiven of that past and move on to a brand new future. A life with Him can be so exciting. It is not always roses but you will find that in the hard times there is hope and a peace you can not find in this world. Just sit back and praise Him. Let Him wrap His love all around you. And dont sit there, go out and tell your story to someone and show them what Jesus can do and what He did for you. God Bless.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just Sitting And Thinking

I have been sitting here alot lately. I have so much going through my mind. I sometimes tend to grab a movie so I don't have to think. There are times I sit with the computer and play games just so I don't have to think. I think of the loss in my life. Dad and mom, how things are not the same. And they are not, are they worse? No not really, sad and things just are different. I have heard lately other people say the same thing when they have lost a loved one, things are not the same. I am learning how to deal with the pain, but there are times I just cry, which is not so bad. I feel better sometimes after a good cry.
But as I sit here and think, think and think. I must not let my mind be idle. The Lord brought me to Philippians 4:4-...
Rejoice in the Lord always... do not be anxious about anything. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your MINDS in Christ Jesus.
V.8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, THINK about these things.
V.9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me--practice these things, and the God of PEACE will be with you.....
Now I know there are times we think of our loved ones and that is okay. We should remember them. I have great memories. But be careful that you don't get lost in them. There is a place you can go and it is not a good place, if you allow yourself to be caught up in missing them that you become depressed. Everyone grieves in different ways, that is normal. But grieving and and becoming depressed is another. I almost got lost in my grief, I remember the exact moment when a light bulb turned on and the Lord said enough. I would not take anything for the wonderful memories of my parents. Nothing..... but I have come to realize that I can have those memories and still live a wonderful life. But the only way is through Jesus Christ. So as I sit here and THINK, this is what I must do so that I don't get lost in the never never land. Think on things that are good, just, lovely, true.... (v.8) and then you will find... v.9 you feel the God of PEACE.....
If you have thoughts that are not so wonderful, stop right away and think on God's word. And I tell you that once you start reflecting on Jesus and His word, you will never be the same. You will have that unmeasurable amount of peace that only comes from above.
God Bless you and keep His words forever in your heart........