Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Been a minute but I had to share. Hopefully soon will be adding more. Thanks for stopping by.

One Sentence


Because of one sentence my pastor said on Sunday!

     I will get to that sentence, but first.

 Steeping involves the soaking of an item in a liquid, in this case, tea leaves in water, and that liquid can start out to either cold, or hot. Brewing involves the continual application of heat from an outside source, like from a flame or burner.

Think about this:

      +Steeping tea is the process of soaking tea leaves,

          or tea bags in hot water to extract their flavor and

         Health promoting compounds. It’s a key part of the process

         Of making tea, also known as brewing. Steeping is an

         Example of osmosis and diffusion.

I could go into the meaning of osmosis and diffusion which I

Did write down, but I will just share this.

        +Diffusion and Osmosis

           Diffusion refers to the movement of molecules from an

           Area of high concentration to an area lower concentration.

        + Osmosis is a type of diffusion specifically for water molecules

            Moving across a semipermeable membrane.

Okay so there is all that…

Steeping tea on the stove:

     Bring one cup of water to a rolling boil. Add one to two tea

      Bags and steep 3-5 minutes. The longer you steep the

      Stronger the flavor.

Is tea healthier if you steep it longer?

     On a positive note, some research does point to extra health

      Benefits in a cup of over steeped tea.

Why cover tea when steeping?

     Cover your tea while steeping to keep the heat in. This will

 Keep your flavor consistent when brewing tea. Making it

 Have a richer fuller taste.

 Who knew there was a science to steeping tea. I mean its tea, right?

But it really brings out the flavor and gives it a richer taste. And though

Over steeping can make it a bit bitter, it can be healthier.


So, think about all of that when I tell you this one sentence my pastor said…

“Steep yourself in God, prayer, and His word.”

So, think about this. When you put a clear lid on a pot of boiled water with a tea bag or two, what do you see? You can actually see the

Steam rolling around. And as it rolls and the water permeates the

Tea bags, it changes things.


Now put this information to the sentence and think what it might can

Mean to you in Christ.

As we live in Christ, as we pray, and as we read His word, think

About how it changes you? As you steep in Him. What does that

Look like?

James 4:8 says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

James calls us to draw near (closer) to God. This comes with an

Additional promise: God will respond by moving closer to us. Think about that, it is an incredible act of mercy on His part. This God of

The universe owes us nothing, including closeness. That is some kind

Of grace on His part to come in our direction at all!

We can say that steeping in Christ is fully immersing ourselves in Him.

As we do that, what happens? You start to see the Lord for who He

Really is. Our savior, our healer, our provider, our shelter, our strength,

Our banner, our hope, our joy, our love. He becomes more than just             

A God we pray to here and there for this or that. He becomes a friend.

In Exodus 33:11 It says, And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a

Man speaks to a friend.

One time I asked the Lord what does that look like. What does having a

Relationship with You Lord really look like? He said, “you know when

Your friend Carmel comes to town and in the early mornings when she is wearing her robe with Her coffee sitting on the sofa and you with your drink sitting in your chair, and y’all begin to visit? You talk About things that make you laugh and cry, sometimes very intimate things. Things that you may not talk to anyone else about. Sharing yourself and your heart with another person.”

Well, THAT is what it looks like.”

It was so powerful on so many levels.

So, when I think about that sentence, “Steep yourself in God, in prayer, and in His word”, It truly is a lot to take in. He is more than just a God, He called you friend, and He chose you. John 15:13-16

v.13 Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends. V.14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. V.15 No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because all things that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. V16. You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.

There is so so many places that this one sentence can take me/you. Just ask what does that mean Lord? To steep myself in you, in prayer, and in Your word. He will answer you. He is so good and so faithful; He will show you.

When you dissect a sentence be ready because it can take you places you may have never been before.

Are you ready to steep to the Lord, steep in prayer, and are you ready to steep in His word? Let Him change you. Because just like steeping tea to get that perfect cup, YOU can experience that same change. Be closer to Him.

I must say thank you to my pastors for giving me food to chew on and to draw nourishment from it. I have been so hungry for so long. It feels good to be fed in church. To have pastors I trust to give me God’s word and nothing else. The infallible word of God, taking nothing away from or adding too.

At the end of this lengthy message, I hope you take away something that makes you want to draw closer to the Lord. He is so worth it, because I promise when you draw close to Him, He WILL draw close to you. I am so so thankful He has chosen me and has called me friend.


So, what do you say? Will you make a chose to:


 Think on that for a bit. Tell me what does that sentence mean to you?



Added bonus: A little just so you know. Our pastor has been teaching us to be disciples. EACH ONE, REACH ONE!

When you immerse in the Lord, this could mean you are responding to His call on your life, following Him, letting Him change you, and working  with Him in His mission to help make disciples of other people along the way.

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